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Compliance Hotline
Local compliance hotline-report a new issue
Local compliance hotline-report a new issue
Local compliance hotline-report status
Group integrity line
Local compliance hotline-report a new issue
Before you submit the report, please read the important information below:
The information you report will be handled strictly confidential and will be only shared with the parties responsible for further examination of the report.
Do not provide us with any information if doing so is a illegal behavior according to the laws of your country. This applies in particular in connection with the sharing of state secrets, trade secrets and personal privacy.
Please only share information that is true to the best of your knowledge.
There will be significant consequences for the knowing submission of false or misleading information. The knowing dissemination of false information is a criminal offence in China and many other countries.
Compliance hotline is not an emergency service. Please do not use this service to report an immediate threat to life, health or property since this communication channel is not designed to receive such information. If necessary, inform the competent authorities or the competent internal security department.
I agree with all items above.
I don't agree with all items above.